This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of WEEKS. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Benjamin 1742-04-26 1817 HANNIFORD, Marion WEEKS, John FORSE, Abigail
Harold Eastman 1885-08-23 1960-06-30 TRAVELL, Virginia MacQueen M.D. WEEKS, Harvey Kelsey EASTMAN, Katherine Gray
Harvey Kelsey 1853-08-20 1927-12-14 EASTMAN, Katherine Gray, Ashley, Elizabeth WEEKS, Joseph Stearns Heard KELSEY, Jane Betsy
John 1789-04-19 1845-10-19 CURRIER, Abigail WEEKS, John SPENCER, Esther
John 1762-10-26 1841-01-03 SPENCER, Esther WEEKS, Benjamin HANNIFORD, Marion
John 1702 1763-11-08 FORSE, Abigail WEEKS, Samuel HAINES, Elinor
Joseph Stearns Heard 1817-02-07 1878-08-01 KELSEY, Jane Betsy WEEKS, John CURRIER, Abigail
Leonard 1633 1707 REDMAN, Mary  
Samuel 1670-12-14 1746-03-26 HAINES, Elinor WEEKS, Leonard REDMAN, Mary
Willard Travell 1929-10-16 2011-12-26 WEEKS, Harold Eastman TRAVELL, Virginia MacQueen M.D.