This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of BULLOCK. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Benjamin 1725-06-26 1791 KELTON, Jane BULLOCK, Seth SALISBURY, Experience
Comer 1771-03-22 1845-06-24 PECK, Zelinda BULLOCK, Benjamin KELTON, Jane
Mary 1803-02-06 1884-04-16 TUTTLE, Socrates BULLOCK, Comer PECK, Zelinda
Richard 1622-07-16 before 1667-10-22 INGRAHAM, Elizabeth  
Samuel 1648-08-11 1718-03-10 ROUSE, Thankful BULLOCK, Richard INGRAHAM, Elizabeth
Seth 1693-09-26 1789-04-04 SALISBURY, Experience BULLOCK, Samuel ROUSE, Thankful