This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of SHATTUCK. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
David 1713-08-04 1774-04-29 VARNUM, Dorothy SHATTUCK, Samuel BLOOD, Elizabeth
John before 1647-02-11 1675-09-14 WHITNEY, Ruth SHATTUCK, William HAYDEN, Susanna
Mary 1796-11-02 1880 KELSEY, Harvey SHATTUCK, Obel FARLEY, Mary
Obel 1770-11-08 1828-12-27 FARLEY, Mary SHATTUCK P. 145, Simeon JEWETT, Lydia
Samuel 1673 1758-07-22 BLOOD, Elizabeth SHATTUCK, John WHITNEY, Ruth
Samuel 1594 1698-06-06 SIBLEY, Damaris  
William 1622 1672-08-14 HAYDEN, Susanna SHATTUCK, Samuel SIBLEY, Damaris