This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of GILMAN. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Edward 1587 1655-06-22 CLARK, Mary GILMAN, Edward
Edward before 1557-04-20 before 1621-05-15 GILMAN, Edward RYSSE, Rose
Edward 1525 before 1573-07-07 RYSSE, Rose  
Moses 1659-07-03 1747-10-28 HEARD, Anne GILMAN, Moses HERSEY, Elizabeth
Moses before 1630-03-11 before 1702-08-06 HERSEY, Elizabeth GILMAN, Edward CLARK, Mary
Shuah 1702 1729-07-03 THURSTON, Abner GILMAN, Moses HEARD, Anne