This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of SEWALL. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Hannah 1722-01-22 1809-03-04 THURSTON, Moses SEWALL, Samuel STORER, Lydia Alden
Henry 1576 1657-03-00 HUNT, Anne SEWALL, Hwnry
Henry, Jr. 1614 1700-05-18 DUMMER, Jane SEWALL, Henry HUNT, Anne
Hwnry   1628-04-16  
John 1654-10-10 1699-08-08 FESSENDEN, Hannah SEWALL, Henry Jr. DUMMER, Jane
Samuel 1688-04-09 1769-04-28 STORER, Lydia Alden SEWALL, John FESSENDEN, Hannah