This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of SPENCER. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth Death Partner Parents
Esther 1769-09-17 1833-12-06 WEEKS, John SPENCER, Hobart BARNES, Eunice
Gerard before 1576-05-20 before 1646-05-00 WHITBREAD, Alice SPENCER, Michael , Elizabeth
Hannah 1642 1690 BRAINERD, Daniel SPENCER, Jared
Hobart 1742 1806 BARNES, Eunice SPENCER 160, Joseph BRAINERD, Martha
Jared before 1614-04-25 before 1685-06-29 SPENCER, Gerard WHITBREAD, Alice
John 1500 before 1558-06-09 MERRILL, Ann
Mehitabel 1638 1691 CONE, Daniel Esq. SPENCER, Jared
Michael 1530 before 1599-11-18 , Elizabeth SPENCER, John MERRILL, Ann